
Friday, August 19, 2022

Wanted: motivation

 They say motivation is the key to success. Maybe thats right but not for all of us. If someone is motivated it seems they can reach everything, they can do whatever they want and seems theyre getting closer to their dreams. It makes them happy at the end of the day.



But what if you cant find any motivation? What if everything seems so dull, gray and no reason to continue at all? Where can you get that ecstatic feeling to move forward? How will you stay and survive? Is it still okay to continue when there is no specific direction at all? Is it on someone? Somewhere?


This is always a question to me. And I know this is what I need.

I cant find any reason to continue anymore.


Its been 8 months since I quit my job. Well as you know, im not happy with everything in it. The people, the place, the job itself and everything. I don’t know what I want anymore but all I know is that I need to stop it to save myself since that familiar feeling is back again. DROWNING. I was never happy. It did give me the opportunities I need and I am thankful but its not for me. Its a whole new experience and it gives me the chance to graduate college. I will always be thankful.


Others loved their time, they even enjoy talking about it, they love the experience, the new friendship and even relationship but for me everything I have experienced is temporary. Because thats life.

I remember waiting for my restdays in those 4 and a half years. Just dozing off and away from everything.

As someone who gets tired of everything easily , 4 and a half is long enough and yes im always wondering, “ Did I really made It that far?”

Nothing is forever and that is a fact. Nobody can changed that for me.

What keeps me going during those years would be me wearing that back gown and earning that degree just to slap those who insulted and looked down on me. It helped in a way that I needed. And now that I already made it, there is no other goal ahead of me.

Im waking up, living and breathing because that is what is expected.


Funny, I can be called a NEET now. Nothing to do, just hiding and even trashy as ever acting like a parasite clinging to my hardworking sister. That is bullshit right? The fact that I don’t want to be called that way now here I am acting exactly what I have been avoiding.


For the past months ive been trying to find a reason, something that will push me to move forward again. To get through it. To be able to stand and have something to be proud of. But the more I try, all I want is to sleep forever, I don’t want to think about anything anymore. Maybe that is not a good thing and yes I know it. But my helpless self don’t care anymore.

I don’t want people seeing me, I don’t even want to go out and I don’t want to talk to anyone.

Heck I don’t even have the confidence to face others.

I don’t know where this is going , all my soul and body wants is a rest that could fix even half of my cracks. You might find it funny , and you might be laughing how someone like me whos not doing anything is getting tired. I don’t even know. But I want to sleep so bad, not an 8 hour sleep but longer than what almost everyone Is thinking about sleep.


And I want to wake up as someone that is not me.





Saturday, August 6, 2022


Have you ever wonder why emptiness felt so heavy? Funny right? But its a fact and we all know it. Who would have known that something hollow was this heavy in this goddamn world. Staring at empty ceilings, dark corners, closed doors and even my favorite, the night sky. Losing interest in everything including all the things you like, something that gives you a little bit of the so called happiness. And I thought, “Why?”. why am I like this? How long will I be like this? Have you asked yourself about this too? Why does no one understands me? Or even tried to? Nobody care to ask why am I quiet. No one noticed how faked my smile was. Why wont they choose me even just for once? Why am I only second or last in everything? This bullshit situation I am in right now. I always felt useless, in everything. ALL. THE. TIME. And even though its not new to me, it still bothers me. Im used to it. But I felt like shit. Every freaking time. Im starting to wonder if I was only born to be a mess my whole life. Isnt it unfair? And im thankful that I am on the level of numbness that helps me survive all the bullshit raining down on me no matter how empty I felt, my numbness helps me a lot. But it was still there. And its not easy trying to act like it didn’t bother the hell out of me.


Most people chose her. All the time. In every different situation. Shes the favorite. And I think ypu know already who I was talking about. Right? No need to drop the name. Im already mean enough I don’t want to add another ingredient to my devil persona. The always jealous and full of wrath girl, not saying anything but putting everything in her blog and twitter account. How nasty was that.

Back to the topic, did I mention also that almost everyone likes her? From adults, children, boys, girls or maybe even pets despite the fact the fact that we are identical. In almost everything. We also don’t like crowds and people but there is always something that puts her on top. She was chosen. They still like her. They still want to spend time with her. And I was left alone again , with darkness looming in my heart and a question of what in my mind. Just to be clear, I don’t want any of that attention but Im only wondering why, why am I the not the first option even for once? Am I not that worthy? Are we not the same? Its good to be different because you know what im sick of that twin interpretation since I don’t know when. It was nauseating to be honest. But how are we so different despite the fact that we are almost the same? Thats all I wanna ask. I don’t care about the attention , my heart just ache whenever I was left in the corner like something thats not worthy.


I hate myself because I sound like a desperate attention seeker. Because to be honest with you, if I were to choose between her and me I would also run to her and leave my stupid ass me. See? Eben my own self and mind wants to choose her. It only proves how unworthy, useless and trashy I am. That even I myself would discard this self.


I am insecure. Yes I am. And I cant help It that she is one of the main reason.

She have the confidence that I don’t possess.

She has thee aura that I lack.

I am irresponsible while she can handle the task well.

She is born to be a leader and I will always remain as a follower.

She has the style while im only a copycat.

She has the originality that I want so bad.

She can be calm and I have the worst temper.

And there will always be a hundred reason why she is better than me.

Im so pathetic.

Desperate even.


I love to be alone. Its my escape since words don’t work well with me.

I can think of something. Or enter the world that I only know of. Inside my rotten mind.

And thats okay.

But sometimes, it also kills my soul. It hurts.

How long will this unnecessary life continue? Will it ever end?

When will the life that I dreamed of begin?

I want a restart button so bad. Not a pause or a rewind. I want to reset everything. Start a new life, erase the data or start a new game. Hoping that this time I will win, I will have a happy life and my soul will be at peace. No over thinking. No heartaches that could shatter.


I don’t like the mind I have right now, its greedy, its painful and its giving me heartaches.

But I think my mind is not the only one to blame. Its not going to be like this if the world im in is not this harsh. Not this unfair.


I hate my mind because it can become too selfish, too naive , too ambitious, and too desperate all the time. It becomes too powerful at the moment that it puts off the fire in me, it kills all the hope left and its scary sometimes. I want to end it. I don’t want to continue if im going to be this useless. Im trying to find a way out but it seems im in the middle of a maze. It seems that im just running in circles and I don’t even know if there is something inside me left. Something that makes me alive because all I felt is emptiness and I wonder if im only waking up every morning because that is what this cruel world expects me to do. I felt like an empty bottle. Nothing inside.



What the fuck am I doing?



--- Swadee



 Am I A burden ? i think I am. A big one. A trash. Useless , unmotivated, no goals. Nothing.


Im so sick of myself. I want to be reborn. I need to press a reset button in my life. Not a Pause. Not a refresh. Not the rewind or even fast forward. Just the reset. I feel like im not born for this world. I will never be. Its tiring trying to stay functional.


Im not excited for tomorrow, I don’t want to back to yesterday. I just want to sleep for a very long time.

I want to stop caring. I want my mind to stop. I want my world to stop.


I hate birthdays. I don’t see any reason to celebrate or even be happy about it.

I don’t want to remind myself that im getting older yet I havent had any accomplishments yet. Nothing.

Just trash.


I know I cant change the world. Its too impossible for someone like me.

But I know I can control my own world.

Sometimes I want to fade away.

I want to fly far away.

Or sleep a hundred years.

Got teleported to another realm.

This is not me who watched too much anime.

Its just better than reality.


I wonder how long will I bear it.

How strong can I get?

Pretending to be inlove with this world when im not.

How long will I be living the life where I don’t even know myself.

The life so bitter that I can feel the poison it brings to my bones.


Time can only tell

But if I had the chance to catch a star

I would love to get that reset button to end this.


There were too many tangled lines in my head right now

Sometimes im afraid it might come out.

And people will be terrified.

Since they don’t much about darkness.

They love shiny things.

And rainbows and flowers in spring.

And only a few hearts love autumn.


Im afraid that one day my hand will shake and I can no longer command it to stop

What if my eyes get tired of wearing that look of a survivor

And it decides to just stop

And all they can see are the ,hollow parts of my soul

I need to be ready

For when that time comes I don’t want their stares full of pity

At least I don’t deserve that


I want to be remembered as the mysterious and weird lady

No pity on her eyes

The leader of the crows

And the mistress of the lions

Fierce and loyal                                                           8.2.22