
Thursday, April 21, 2022

im the worst

 Here I am again feeling pathetic and feeling so low about myself. I hate it. I am envious which I shouldnt be and I cant help it. And I feel so worst. Like im a trash. Now I strongly believe that no matter how good a person is, how hard she/he tries to liv in the most righteous way, something from the dark called envy will always finds a way especially if you have lived being compared in such a cruel world. You’ll get to point of being bad.


I act like im hungry for attention. I always denied it but deep inside I know thats its true no matter what the excuses would be. I don’t want it but its like a disease creeping in. As embarrassed as I am I cant do anything. All I can do is agree with the darkness creeping in. What would you expect if youve been living for almost all of you’re life being compared.


Having a twin is not easy and happy like what others think especially if you possess all the negative facts. Is it okay to ask for something equal?

I always ask myself.

We have the same face-they say--, same actions at times and almost the same opinions on every issue but im always in the shadows.

Why is that?

Where am I lacking?


But in the end I always realize that im no better and I cant defeat her.

The light on her is brighter than what I have or if im honest I really cant be her. I don’t have what she had. Maybe, our differences only ends in our faces. But sometimes, I doubt it also.


We have the same face yet she looks so pretty while I look like trash. No matter how dark the circles around her eyes was she still shines, her photos where perfect while mine look like a trying hard silly girl. She has plenty of ideas while I stood in the sidelines with nothing, no originality and cant think of anything. she can lead while im useless, someone who others in the room would take a glance during leader selection. She was loved, adored and admired first. And I can only step towards the dark after someone notice whos that girl that exactly looks like her.


I started to compare even my pictures with hers. I started to stop taking photos of myself, even scared to take an ID picture and she always says how horrible she look. I always check her photos, how can she say that? When in fact the camera loves her. Well, ever since I have a very low self esteem, I am not blaming her but it just gets worst. The fact that she doesnt know hurts. I am dependent to her like how shadows were supposed to. Maybe im a masochist.


Shes always there, she showed support at times , she talks to me over some things that other wouldnt understand maybe because we always have the same in mind. Always. And because, unconsciously she has become my role model.


Her styles inspire me, her ideas sometimes makes me survive. And sad to say, I sometimes badly want to be her.


I want t be alone, but at the end of the day, im thankful since she understands me the most.

Times when I feel so lucky comes but in every bliss that I thought, it always ends in the same page. I was always drag to the dark by my own mind. Trapped and suffocated. So dark that I can curse myself. I know that im not that attention seeker girl. I always want to stay in the quiet zone but in everything I think there is always an exception. Shes the only one who can turn me into someone I don’t wanna be. The evil in me smiles.

She makes me crave for the same affection, the same look she gets from everyone whos excited to listen to her, I yearn for the mind that she had, the face she wore because even if I look at it we are so different. Her smile seems ready while I always look awkward. Her frank attitude that is not afraid to say no at times and how she can stand up for what she believed in.


I hate myself for trying so hard to copy her always when it happens, and in return I always took the blow since no one understands. People starts assuming that I am that person and I cant tell them im not. The result is always me losing. Always me being pathetic, and sometimes without any choices I started to pretend that im really that person they thought I was. And there is no going back.


They cant see what I want them to see. And I ended up being an actor trying hard to blend in. Why is it so hard?

Its always getting worst. There is no way out.

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